English Puzzles for KS3/KS4

KS4 curriculum

This page details the correspondence between English Puzzles for KS3/KS4 and the 2008 National Curriculum for Key Stage 4.

General coverage

Some areas of the curriculum are relevant to a large number of puzzles, particularly where students use a particular puzzle as a stimulus for their own work, or where they work in groups to discuss possible solutions. These are listed here:

Specific coverage

Some curriculum areas also relate to one or more specific puzzles. Click on a strand to see a list of puzzles that relate to it.

Students should be able to use the full range of punctuation marks accurately and for deliberate effect.

Students should be able to spell correctly, including words that do not conform to regular patterns and words that are sometimes confused in use.

The range of purposes for speaking and listening should include describing, narrating, explaining, informing, persuading, entertaining, hypothesising; and exploring and expressing ideas, feelings and opinions.



The forms for such writing should be drawn from different kinds of stories, poems, play scripts, autobiographies, screenplays, diaries, minutes, accounts, information leaflets, plans, summaries, brochures, advertisements, editorials, articles and letters conveying opinions, campaign literature, polemics, reviews, commentaries, articles, essays and reports.




The curriculum should provide opportunities for students to develop skills through work that makes cross-curricular links with other subjects.

See the Introduction.

The curriculum should provide opportunities for students to experiment with language and explore different ways of discovering and shaping their own meanings.

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