Teaching Computing at KS3

Logo Lesson 3

In this lesson students will develop their understanding of loops and iteration by using the ‘For’ loop. As with the Repeat tool, this allows a block of code to be repeated a set number of times. However, unlike the repeat tool, the code uses the iteration variable to enable increases or decreases in a variable to be evident in the shape being drawn.


To extend your knowledge of loops using For.

Lesson content

Students should start by working through this worksheet:

Once they have finished it, it is important that they have the opportunity to experiment with combining all they have learnt in the three lessons on Logo to date by creating images using the tools they have been introduced to. Able students who are ready to develop their knowledge further and do not require such reinforcement will be able to continue through the lessons built into the Turtle Academy website independently.


Task 1:

  1. FOR [i 30 60 10] [fd :i rt 120]
  2. FOR [i 200 100 -5] [fd :i lt 90]

Task 2:

  1. FOR [i 3 36 3] [show :i]
  2. FOR [i 100 0 -10] [show :i]
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