Ordering issues
I can't access the online ordering
The online ordering system uses Javascript and Cookies technologies. If you have an old browser, or one that does not support these features, then you will probably have to upgrade your software.
It is possible that you may have disabled Cookies or Javascript on your browser, in which case you may have to place your orders by other means. Please refer to your browser's documentation for details.
Most browsers, including up-to-date versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari, should support the online shopping system.
There's no 'buy' button for the item I want
Some of our products cannot be ordered using our online system, often because prices vary depending on the number of users. These products do not have 'buy' or 'Add to order' buttons next to them. These products can be ordered by phoning us on 01223 350555 or emailing info@anspear.com.
The shopping bag contents are wrong
If you have disabled Cookies on your browser (or if your browser does not support Cookies), the shopping basket will be unable to track your order, and may display incorrectly. You may receive error messages from other parts of the ordering system as well.
If you leave items in the shopping basket for a long period without completing the order, they will be forgotten. This prevents redundant order information from appearing in the shopping basket in future, and helps to keep your hard disk free of clutter.
Alternatively, if you use a browser shortly after another user has been using the online ordering system, then it may contain items left over from their order.
I cannot submit my order
If order submission is not working, firstly make sure you have completed all the relevant fields. You could also check that the Anspear web server is working properly, by browsing some other pages on the site. If you think there is a serious problem, then contact technical support; your query will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Anspear also accepts orders by fax, telephone, post or email.
I placed an order but have not received any goods
Orders that are entirely for products that are not yet published will be held until stock is available. Orders that can be partially fulfilled are despatched as soon as possible. Orders are normally despatched within ten working days. Unfortunately we are unable to offer automatic notification of despatch.
If you are sure that you should have received part or all of your order, then you can check the state of your order by emailing info@anspear.com. Be sure to quote your name, address and order reference (if any), and to list the products that you ordered.
I want to return what I've ordered
Because most of our products are photocopiable or networkable, we may not always offer an inspection copy service. However, sample sheets, demo sites or demo discs are normally available either via this website or by phoning 01223 350555 or emailing info@anspear.com. These, and the information provided on this site, should help you to assess a product before purchasing.
If, once you receive your order, you feel that a product is unsuitable for your needs, please contact us to arrange to return the product and receive a credit payment. Products must be paid for or returned within 14 days of the invoice date.