IntroductionUnderstanding BESDBackgroundBehaviouralAttributionRelationshipsResourcesIndex

Understanding and assessing BESD

This section looks at defining, categorising, assessing and recording behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD).

It is important to stress that in order to deal effectively with pupils with BESD, you must take account of the context in which a behavioural difficulty takes place. ‘Context’ here relates to a range of factors, each of which is considered in this section:

You are invited to reflect upon, and challenge, your personal and your school’s perceptions of, and behaviour towards, pupils with BESD. It is always worth looking inward at your own assumptions about the causes of BESD in the classroom before turning attention to the pupil. Focusing on one’s own thinking and then using this to review your learning environment to effect change in pupils often represents the most economical and least stressful approach. Case studies and activities are provided in this section to assist you.

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