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How does it work?

Evaluate requires somebody in the school to be the ‘administrator’ and our point of contact. This would typically, but not necessarily, be the headteacher. We need to be told which groups you wish to use Evaluate with (staff, plus, optionally, pupils, parents and governors) and how many staff members there are in each category (either by telephoning on 01223 350555 or by faxing the order form below). We then generate the school’s Evaluate site and send passwords.

If you would like information on the pupils’ ethnic groups and whether they have additional educational needs included in the pupils/parents reports, please also complete the following form and fax it to us on 01223 356484.

What the administrator sees...

When the administrator logs on, they are taken to a page (see below) showing the progress of the audit. When they are satisfied with the level of response, they should press the ‘Generate report’ button.

Administrator screen

What the users see...

When a user logs on, they see a series of question screens similar to the ones shown below:

Staff screen

Parents screen

Primary pupils screen

Once they have been through the question screens, they will see a summary screen, as below:

Summary screen for staff

Summary screen for parents

Summary screen for primary pupils

Here they may go back and alter any of their responses before they are saved.

Certain screens may not be applicable for all users (eg support staff). They have the option not to give opinions in these areas, but should be encouraged to voice an opinion wherever they feel it is appropriate to do so.

What do you get?

Subscribers receive a report that:

  • provides detailed evidence of the school’s current progress in key areas for Ofsted’s inspection framework
  • allows headteachers and their colleagues to understand better how the school is perceived at all levels; and how perceptions vary across the institution
  • identifies areas of clear strength, weakness, improvement and decline for further investigation and action.

For example, the report on staff responses offers:

  • Introduction and contents.
  • Summary points, indicating strengths and weaknesses; key areas seen to be improving; key areas seen to be declining.
  • Summary graphs with explanation showing average score per characteristic; average improvement/decline per characteristic.
  • Summary graphs with explanation showing the average score per dimension; average improvement/decline per dimension.
  • Summary comparisons between average responses of different types of staff, highlighting differences of opinion.
  • Graphs, tables and analysis for each dimension of all 11 characteristics.

Sample responses reports are provided below. Please note that the reports you receive may differ from the ones shown here.