Supporting Literacy across the Curriculum
Consulting author: Hollie James
Schools face an increasing challenge to provide extra literacy support. The situation is made more pressing by:
- a growing number of SEN students being kept in mainstream schools
- greater Ofsted emphasis on literacy
- extra demands to demonstrate rising attainment and expected levels of progress
- shortage of time and, in some cases, literacy skills among subject teachers.
Help is at hand
The need for manageable, high-quality classroom-based literacy resources is therefore considerable.
Supporting Literacy across the Curriculum has been designed specifically to help schools meet this challenge. It allows a coherent, measurable approach to whole school literacy to be rolled out quickly and effectively and provide students with structured steps to improve their skills.
Right up to GCSE
It also provides them with continuity when addressing niggling literacy issues that recur in their work across subjects. Furthermore, it supports KS4 as well as KS3 pupils – important as the emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar grows in the new examination specifications.
Flexible and adaptable
Supporting Literacy across the Curriculum covers spelling, punctuation and grammar and adopts a manageable and practicable approach that can fit alongside any set of subject schemes of work. Student-centred material is formed from a series of activity cards which are:
- identical in every classroom across the school
- colour-coded by category
- differentiated by level.
Students simply select cards according to their literacy targets. The activity cards help learners to address these targets by providing:
- a clear explanation of the literacy learning point
- a task applying that learning which demonstrates progress clearly.
Students find the explanations clear and precise and the tasks include support or further challenge according to their success in completing them.
Extra supporting resources
Supporting Literacy across the Curriculum is not simply a primary-style resource dropped into a secondary context. It takes account of the target audience and is presented accordingly. In addition to the work card masters in convenient digital formats, the resource also offers:
- special materials for literacy coordinators
- guidance and explanation for teachers
- presentations for different audiences
- links to other sources of reference.
Great value for money – special introductory offer
The complete package costs only £175 for pre-publication orders, includes a licence to copy for the whole school and provides all the attractive supplementary materials.
- Introduction
- Using the materials
- Words
- Sentences
- Punctuation
- Structure
- Tenses
- Reading skills
- Writing skills
- Spelling
- Speaking and listening
About the author
Hollie James is an English teacher and literacy coordinator at Hall Mead School in London.